What does Database Encryption and Decryption mean?
Database encryption is the process of converting data, within a database, in plain text format into a meaningless cipher text by means of a suitable algorithm.
Database decryption is converting the meaningless cipher text into the original information using keys generated by the encryption algorithms.
Database encryption can be provided at the file or column level.
Here am going to explain how to encrypt your mysql databases with mysqldump and xtrabackup.first we will see for mysqldump
MySQLdump Encryption & Decryption:
Mysqldump is an effective tool to backup MySQL database. It creates a *.sql file with DROP table, CREATE table and INSERT into sql-statements of the source database.
To encrypt your database here I have used ccrypt.ccrypt is a utility for the secure encryption and decryption of files and streams.
I have used Fedora 20 server to do this process.
First install ccrypt
#yum install ccrypt
am already have an mysql server in this machine so i will just show you how to take encrypted backup with ccrypt.
Create a hidden keyfile.
#vi /etc/key/.backupkey
in this file add any content like below,
ex : Ukl8GiJ4Q#uy@iP
Now give permission for this file,
#chmod 600 /etc/key/.backupkey
Now we can encrypt our backup,
#mysqldump -u root -ppa$$123 --databases country world | ccrypt -k /etc/key/.backupkey > backup_c.sql
This backup.sql will be now an encrypted backup when you open it, it will be a non readable format.
#cat backup_c.sql | ccrypt -d -k /etc/key/.backupkey > backup_d.sql
Now you can see the real content in this file.
Compressed Mysqldump Encrypted backup:
#mysqldump -u root -ppa$$123 --databases country world | ccrypt -k /etc/key/.backupkey | gzip -c > backup_c.sql.gz
#gunzip backup_c.sql.gz > backup_c.sql
#cat backup_c.sql | ccrypt -d -k /etc/key/.backupkey > backup_d.sql
Xtrabackup Encryption & Decryption:
Percona XtraBackup is the world’s only open-source, free MySQL hot backup software that performs non-blocking backups for InnoDB and XtraDB databases.
For xtrabackup you need to install latest Percona Xtrabackup(Version should be more than 2.1.4) and openssl for encryption.
Xtrabackup installation steps in this below link,
Now we can encrypt our backup with openssl for Xtrabackup.
Before doing that we need to generate openssl key.
#openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:Prabhu123 -P -md sha1
Replace your password in the bold place,when you executed the above command you will get the output,
iv =FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514
with the above key we are going to encrypt with Xtrabackup
#innobackupex --user=root --password=pa$$123 --export --encrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key="FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514" /backup
#innobackupex --user=root --password=pa$$123 --export --encrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key="FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514" /backup
after executed the above command you can see some line like below,
[01] Encrypting ./xxxx/xxxx.ibd to /backup/2014-12-27_04-49-28/xxxx/yyyy.ibd.xbcrypt
[01] ...done
[01] Encrypting ./yyyy/aaaa.ibd to /backup/2014-12-27_04-49-28/dddd/rrrr.ibd.xbcrypt
[01] ...done
[01] Encrypting ./rrr/ssss.ibd to /backup/2014-12-27_04-49-28/yysss/ddasffd.ibd.xbcrypt
[01] ...done
[01] Encrypting ./gggds/ssssss.ibd to /backup/2014-12-27_04-49-28/dsfsd/fdsfds.ibd.xbcrypt
[01] ...done
[01] Encrypting ./yyyy/aaaa.ibd to /backup/2014-12-27_04-49-28/dddd/rrrr.ibd.xbcrypt
[01] ...done
[01] Encrypting ./rrr/ssss.ibd to /backup/2014-12-27_04-49-28/yysss/ddasffd.ibd.xbcrypt
[01] ...done
[01] Encrypting ./gggds/ssssss.ibd to /backup/2014-12-27_04-49-28/dsfsd/fdsfds.ibd.xbcrypt
and at the end,
innobackupex: Backup created in directory '/backup/2014-12-27_04-49-28'
141227 04:51:51 innobackupex: Connection to database server closed
141227 04:51:51 innobackupex: completed OK!
Now it has taken an encrypted backup.
Xtrabackup encryption with keyfile,
Now do the xtrabackup with key file,
#innobackupex --user=root --password=pa$$123 --export --encrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key-file=/etc/key/xtrabackupkey.txt /backup
For decryption required xtrabackup 2.1.4 version.
#innobackupex --decrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key="FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514" /backup/2014-12-27_05-49-08/
It will extract the xtrabackup encrypted folder to decrypted folder in same location.
Compressed Xtrabackup Encrypted backup:
# innobackupex --user=root --password=pa$$123 --export --compress --encrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key="FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514" /backup
First we need to decompress the file, see how to decompress in the below link,
then decrypt by the below command with same encrypt key,
#innobackupex --decrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key="FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514" /backup/2014-12-27_05-49-08/
Now all the databases are decrypted in the same directory.
141227 04:51:51 innobackupex: Connection to database server closed
141227 04:51:51 innobackupex: completed OK!
Now it has taken an encrypted backup.
Xtrabackup encryption with keyfile,
#openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:Prabhu123 -P -md sha1
Replace your password in the bold place,when you executed the above command you will get the output,
iv =FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514
Now copy the iv result in a txt file,
Replace your password in the bold place,when you executed the above command you will get the output,
iv =FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514
Now copy the iv result in a txt file,
#cat /etc/key/xtrabackupkey.txt
Now do the xtrabackup with key file,
#innobackupex --user=root --password=pa$$123 --export --encrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key-file=/etc/key/xtrabackupkey.txt /backup
For decryption required xtrabackup 2.1.4 version.
#innobackupex --decrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key="FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514" /backup/2014-12-27_05-49-08/
It will extract the xtrabackup encrypted folder to decrypted folder in same location.
Compressed Xtrabackup Encrypted backup:
# innobackupex --user=root --password=pa$$123 --export --compress --encrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key="FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514" /backup
First we need to decompress the file, see how to decompress in the below link,
then decrypt by the below command with same encrypt key,
#innobackupex --decrypt=AES256 --encrypt-key="FEC2DE284641AC8A0636D07BEEC5A514" /backup/2014-12-27_05-49-08/
Now all the databases are decrypted in the same directory.